To some people, everything is a sign. Other people have no desire to find omens in the world around them. When it comes to your home exterior, though, there are certain signs that you can’t ignore, nor can you afford to misinterpret them! Your exterior paint is not just an aesthetic feature; it offers vital protection against the forces of nature.
What are the signs that your home needs new exterior painting? Let’s take a look!
Signs of Imminent Exterior Paint Failure
The clearest indications that your home needs urgent exterior painting include chalking, bubbling, cracking, and peeling.
Chalking: A whitish substance appears on the surface. This might look like a residue that could simply be washed off, but it actually comes from the paint itself, and it is an indication of failing paint.
Bubbling: Whether the bubbles are filled with air or water, they are always a bad sign. Bubbled up paint shows that the paint has lost adhesion and is starting to come off. If there is water inside the bubbles, it also indicates a leak, with potential rot development.
Cracking: A few hairline cracks in your paint are not a major concern. However, if the cracks allow you to see the wood beneath, or if they are jagged, chipping or peeling, remedial action is needed quickly.
Peeling: Any areas where flakes of paint are coming away from the wood beneath should be dealt with promptly.
The Right Procedure for Exterior Painting
In any case where paint is loose or losing adhesion, it is important to scrape away the failing paint. If you don’t, the old paint will continue to fail under the new coating, causing it to fail as well.
Once all loose paint is removed, bare wood must be primed using a high-quality exterior primer. This seals the wood and ensures good adhesion for the new paint.
Finally, protect the nearby areas with tape, plastic and drop cloths, and apply at least two coats of premium exterior house paint.
Sundeleaf Painting
For nearly a century, discerning homeowners in the Portland area have trusted Sundeleaf Painting for premium house painting services. Our craftsmanship is unparalleled, and our dedicated customer service is well known. Sundeleaf Painting provides exterior painting, interior painting, wood refinishing, concrete cleaning, and much more. Contact our office for a free exterior painting estimate today!